Peak Fitness

1335 Siegfried Pl, Bronxville 10465, Stany Zjednoczone Dojazd do tego miejsca
Trenerzy osobiści
1335 Siegfried Pl
Bronxville, 10465
NY, Stany Zjednoczone

My passion for fitness started over 10 years ago when I was a high school and college athlete playing softball. The discipline needed to succeed in the sport, made me realize the importance of exercise and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I now apply what I learned through the years and from my personal training certification to create personalized, custom workouts for each of my clients. I believe in creating a physical foundation by focusing on your fitness goals and working with you to a...

Liczba recenzji dla miejsca Peak Fitness: 4

  • 4 recenzji(e) jest(są) ukrytych(e): pokaż wszystkie recenzje

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